Make Use Of: 6 Ways Your Email Address Can Be Exploited by Scammers

6 Ways Your Email Address Can Be Exploited by Scammers


What can scammers do with your email account? Learn about the information someone can get just from your email address.

It may seem odd at first, but an email account is a goldmine for scammers. A hacker can do more than get their hands on your coveted chicken casserole recipe; they can cause damage to your identity and finances.

So, why do scammers want your email address? What can a scammer do with your email address and phone number? And what can you do if they crack your password?

What Can a Scammer Do With My Email Address?
1. They Can Impersonate You

Scammers typically get into an email address either via brute-force attacks or through a database leak. Once they've gained access, they can perform several actions with your email account.

It's common knowledge that you should never trust an email that isn't from someone you trust. As such, those emails claiming you won $4 million in a lottery you never entered don't trick people as easily anymore.

However, scammers are finding a way around this. While the tip makes us more critical of emails sent from a stranger, it also makes us more trusting of emails sent by people we know and love.

Scammers use this weakness by hacking email accounts, then using that account to contact the victim's friends and family. If the scammer is good at impersonating people, they can trick the victim's contacts into believing they're talking to the victim.

Note:  The above comes directly from their website.  Click here to read the rest of the article.