Why Does White Noise Help Sleep, and Are There Other Noises?
But what exactly is white noise, and how does it work? Here’s what you need to know about the science behind white noise and its benefits for sleep, as well as other types of sonic hues that can help you get a good night’s rest.

White noise is a term that refers to a specific type of sound that is commonly used to promote relaxation, concentration, and sleep. This type of sound is created by combining different frequencies together at random. The term “white” noise comes from the fact that this sound contains all of the frequencies of the audible spectrum, much like how white light contains all of the colors of the visible spectrum.
“White noise spans the audio spectrum and contains all frequencies, making it where one sound doesn’t overwhelm the other,” said Dr. Michael Breus, Ph.D., and Founder of TheSleepDoctor.com.
Note: The above comes directly from their article. Click here to read more.