Common Sense Media: Where Kids Find Hate Online


Where Kids Find Hate Online

Help kids recognize and reject racist, sexist, homophobic, and religion-based hate content.

Hate speech is all over the internet. Fueled by trolls, extremists, false information, and a group mentality, this kind of cruelty against a religion, ethnicity, sexual identity, gender, race -- or anything, really -- has reached a fever pitch. And while some kids will be attacked, and some may be swept up in the powerful rhetoric, the vast majority of kids will be victims of everyday, casual exposure. Just by playing a game on the internet, looking up a definition, or maybe checking out some music, they'll encounter some of the most vile and offensive words and images that can be expressed in the comments section of a YouTube video, a meme in their feed, or a group chat. The intensity of these ideas, the frequency with which kids see them, and the acceptance by so many that it's just part of internet life mean that it's critical to talk to kids about this difficult topic. They'll be much better equipped to handle whatever comes their way when they can talk to you about all aspects of hate speech: what it is and why it's hurtful, what to do when they encounter it, and even what to do if they're drawn to it.